Tools - International Accessibility Task Force

Tools You'll Love at the International Accessibility Task Force

Welcome to our special toolbox at IATF! This is a place where smart ideas help everyone surf the web easily, no matter the hurdles. Every tool we build has one big dream: to open up the internet so everyone can join in. Ready to see what we've got for you?

ITTAI - Image to Text Artificial Intelligence

Say hello to ITTAI! Think of it as a friendly helper that can tell you what's in a picture when you can't see it yourself. Simply upload a file directly or provide ITTAI with the web address (URL) of the picture. Choose the option that best fits your needs, then press "Get Description" button, and ITTAI will give you the words to picture it in your mind.

How to Use ITTAI:

  1. Option 1 (Default): Upload an image - Pick an image file from your device that you want described.
  2. Option 2: Use an image URL - Type in the web address of the image you're curious about.
  3. Hit the "Get Description" button, and hang tight for just a few seconds. ITTAI will get back to you with a description shortly!

Just a heads-up, ITTAI does its best, but sometimes it might get things a bit mixed up, so it's good to double-check important stuff.

How do you want to send your image to ITTAI?
Select Image to Upload:
No file chosen

Supported formats: JPG, PNG, GIF, SVG, WEBP, AVIF.

A Kind Note to Our Tech-Savvy Friends

ITTAI has evolved! Now, not only can you submit an image URL for description, but you can also directly upload images. These images are securely hosted on Cloudinary's free tier plan, ensuring accessibility for everyone. It’s a joint effort, powered by the innovative technology from ydshieh at Hugging Face and the robust hosting capabilities of Cloudinary.

Want to Dive Deeper? Here’s What You Should Know:

  • For DIY Enthusiasts: If you're inclined to deploy the model yourself, ydshieh has generously provided detailed instructions on Hugging Face. Discover how to integrate this technology into your own projects by visiting the model card on Hugging Face.
  • API Integration: Prefer a direct API approach? Hugging Face offers extensive documentation to guide you through utilizing their API. Dive into the Hugging Face API documentation for more details.
  • Using Cloudinary: Images uploaded via ITTAI are hosted on Cloudinary. While this feature is designed for ease of use within ITTAI, we recommend not using our Cloudinary upload endpoint directly in your applications. For your image hosting needs, consider setting up your own Cloudinary account.

Our vision with ITTAI is to foster a community where technology bridges gaps and enhances accessibility for all. By sharing these tools and knowledge, we hope to empower more creators and developers to build accessible and inclusive experiences. Let's work together to make the digital world more accessible, one image at a time.