Issue Tracker - International Accessibility Task Force

Welcome to the Issue Tracker

At the International Accessibility Task Force, we're committed to identifying and addressing accessibility challenges to create a more inclusive digital world. Our Issue Tracker serves as a centralized platform where community members can report and monitor the status of accessibility issues across various websites and applications.

If you encounter a barrier that hinders accessibility or know of a site that could be improved, we encourage you to share your findings with us. Your reports are invaluable in our collective effort to enhance digital accessibility for everyone.

To report an issue, please send us an email detailing your experience and any relevant links to Together, we can make a difference!

Open Issues

Issue 1: Local Guides Connect

Local Guides Connect, a platform by Google, enables individuals to share insights and experiences about different locations. Unfortunately, this site lacks accessibility features for people with disabilities, notably missing alternative text for numerous images.

Issue Status

Reported to the Google Accessibility Team on February 17, 2024.

WCAG Requirement

According to WCAG guideline 1.1.1 Non-text Content (Level A), all images should have text alternatives. For a detailed explanation of this requirement, visit the How to Meet WCAG (Quick Reference) website.

IATF Alternative

To assist, we've developed ITTAI, an AI capable of describing images via URLs. This tool can help make the images on the website more accessible. Additionally, we're enhancing ITTAI to support direct image uploads for descriptions. Explore ITTAI.

Closed Issues

There are no closed issues at the moment. Please, check back later.