New Website Launch! - News

Posted at: February 17, 2025

New Website Launch!

Welcome to Our New Digital Home

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our newly redesigned website. After months of hard work and dedication, we've transitioned from React, Redux, and Next.js to a more accessible and user-friendly platform using Svelte and SvelteKit.

This change was driven by our commitment to accessibility and inclusivity. Svelte and SvelteKit have shown remarkable potential in creating interfaces that are not only sleek and efficient but also significantly more accessible to users with diverse needs. Their approach to building web applications aligns perfectly with our mission to make technology accessible for everyone.

Why We Made the Switch

Our decision to switch to Svelte and SvelteKit was influenced by their innovative features and accessibility "guiños" (winks) that make web navigation a breeze for users of all abilities. These frameworks offer a more intuitive and seamless experience, reducing the barriers that our community members might face when accessing our resources and services.

We Value Your Feedback

As we embark on this exciting new chapter, your feedback is more important than ever. We believe that continuous improvement is key to serving our community better, and we encourage you to share your thoughts and suggestions about our new website. Let us know what works, what doesn't, and how we can further enhance accessibility and user experience.

Enjoy exploring our new digital home, and please don't hesitate to reach out with your feedback. Together, we can ensure that our website remains a welcoming and accessible resource for all.

Thank you for your ongoing support and for being a part of our journey towards a more inclusive digital world.

With warm regards,
The Admin Team 🤗